Back in399 BCE, Socrates was brought to court on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth. This went down to be one of the most famous trials in history as the founding fathers of democracy was put to trail for preaching what he preached, ironically through democratic processes.
The trial took place over a nine-to-ten- hour period in Agora, Athens. The jury included 500 male citizens who found Socrates guilty of the first charge, impiety.
His belief was that the gods must be good and if they were not, they were simply not gods Given the rich self-serving and jealous history that is depicted in Greek mythology, this jurors did not take well to this idea. He was also found guilty of the second charge which was corrupting the mind of the youth and was condemned to death by poisoning.
This incident raised vital questions about the nature of democracy, value of free speech and the potential conflict between moral and religious obligations versus the state.