One: The house whose garden is cut with trees is never inhabited. Whenever you see a house do your research and see if the damage to your home is caused by cutting down a tree. He will live, that is the truth of which Because of this, saints have been planting trees and protecting trees throughout their lives.
Two: The house from which the bird, animals and ants get sustenance. This house never runs out of sustenance. Try it, feed the blue bird, feed the cat and the worm, feed the seed and water, your kitchen will not be closed the door of sustenance will open for you. Prophet and Saints will come to you Doves, crows, peacocks and ants are found on the shrines. These are the guarantees of langar on the main shrines.
Three: Allah Ta'ala never allows those who distributes clothes to the poor to be disrespected. If you want your adversaries not to dis respect you, you should study in poverty. You started doing ' especially you started giving clothes and blankets to poor children' you will be respected till you die' even your biggest opponent will not disrespect you. Who will judge you? Arrange the cover. Allah will take away your nakedness.
Tricks: If you want to bring your children who have strayed from your path to the right path, then you should marry poor children. Your children will be good. You should try and see. You poor children. Get them married in your home. Settle yourself and its effects on your children. You will see and the effects will surprise you.
Five: If you want to bring gratitude and contentment into your life, start feeding people. Your heart will be rich with the grace of contentment. You will be sure will be.
What: If you want to stay healthy, start taking gharba treatment, your healthy will improve. It will affect you more than the patient. " Whatever you eat will affect you more."
Seven: If you are a victim of depression, you can provide cold water for others, dig a well, put a car in the house of the poor or put a cooler of cold water in front of the house. Why will you care be terminated? Because anxiety is a fire an water extinguishes every fire.
Eight: If you want to be powerful, choose simplicity, no pharaoh in the word can compete with you. Allah Almighty has given simplicity have nuclear power, may be that's why all the prophets and all the saints are simple, whether it is Pharaoh or Nimrod, they can't stand before their power. No one will be able to compete.